3 questions to: Jürgen Busch

Jürgen Busch is, as he himself says, “a happy grandpa of five grandchildren.” The former university teacher previously operated various websites as a freelancer, which he finally sold to dedicate himself to his heart project: www.grossvater.de. Resting in retirement? That was out of the question for active grandpa! Without further ado, he combined his passion as a grandpa with his IT and SEO skills, which he had gained over many years. From game tests to craft and recipe ideas: On his website, the native of Hamburg gives grandparents tips and instructions on how to fill their time with their grandchildren in a meaningful way. He is also a guest author for www.hallo-oma.de active — a website that (as the name suggests) is aimed at grandmas and which he, together with family author and presenter Silke Schröckert played on.

JÜrgen, how did you get the idea to start a blog specifically for grandfathers?

When visiting my now five grandchildren, I was repeatedly faced with the question of what we could do together. Board games? cooking? Fret sawing work? Then I thought: Many other grandpas feel the same way I do. They too are certainly looking for ideas for joint grandpa-grandchild activities, where everyone has fun together. The site has become a collection of tips and advice and also encourages people to explore new areas again and again. Topics relating to digital life in particular are of interest to many.

Are there any key topics that interest you in particular? Which products do you like to test with your grandchildren the most?

I love anything related to crafts, crafts, and games! In this relationship, I am on the same wavelength as my grandchildren. I also like to try out new activities and discover today's modern toys that we didn't have before. In doing so, I keep coming across real classics such as the construction kits made of metal. I particularly like them, but I also often play knowledge, quiz and logic games, which are not only used for entertainment but also to promote knowledge. In general, I like all games that promote children's development (and also keep me fit!).

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self today?

I would advise myself to do everything exactly as I did back then! After all, this has brought me to the point where I am today. Since I'm happy with my life, there couldn't have been so much wrong. I invested a lot of time in my professional education and yet spent time with like-minded people. Any mistakes were only there to be made and to learn from them. My 20-year-old self should only make one point differently: Please don't even start smoking, it's not good for your health! Unfortunately, I also know that from experience. 😊

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