3 questions to: Sven Schirmer

Sven Schirmer Is a long-standing contact of Miriam Blattert. After more than 14 years in publishing, Sven is now a communications agency rtfm switched, which specializes in consulting, communication and content in the IT and consumer electronics sector.

Sven, what prompted you to decide to leave BILD after more than ten years?

To be honest, it was a gradual process. I spent almost 20 years reporting on entertainment technology, the industry and also on developments in digital life in general, from Facebook to virtual foosball games. I simply needed the famous new challenge — I wanted to see a different side of the professional world again. The offer from Frank Mischkowski, managing director of rtfm, simply came at the perfect time. I already knew his team very well and appreciated them. In addition, as an agency for technical PR, rtfm is of course also a good fit for me thematically.

What challenges did you have to face when switching from working as a journalist to working as a PR consultant in a communications agency and what experiences will help you in your new position?

Even though I'm familiar with the topic of “technology,” it's not like I just flip a switch and suddenly I'm the perfect PR consultant. As a senior editor, I have also taken on certain management tasks over the years, but project management at agency level is something else. There are a lot more threads that need to be held together. In particular, many projects run in parallel, need attention and have deadlines, are important and cannot be postponed. I used to deal with readers, now I care about customers. The focus is now on them and their products, not a topic that I find exciting and journalistic. Now the challenge is to find exciting ideas to put these products in the right light — for my ex-colleagues from the editorial team.

Of course, I have the experience of being a journalist and getting hundreds of emails and phone calls a day from people who want you to report on THEIR product. I know which subject lines get lost when you first skim and which might get stuck. I have a feeling for what editors need to do their job and can understand when they say “Sorry, but that just doesn't fit in! “That's why I try to avoid what PR consultants have always annoyed me myself. I know very well (but I knew that before) that persistence is part of the job and that it is not always possible to avoid drawing the attention of a journalist once again. Nevertheless, I try to recognize the (last) border early on and then to let it go. As banal as it sounds, my experience enables me to be on equal footing with media representatives.

How long have you known Miriam and the agency blatterTPR and what did you particularly appreciate about the collaboration?

I know Miriam from her time before blatterTPR and have been with me for at least 15 years. For me, she was always one of those people who dealt with journalists in a very pleasant way. When talking to her, I never had the feeling that I had to do anything now or be put under pressure. She has a keen sense of how to best represent her customers. On the other hand, Miriam and her team from blatterTPR build a relationship that is not obnoxious but shows genuine interest in the other person. THAT is what makes for good PR. Because the “R” in PR stands for sustainable “relationships” (English: relations) that should help everyone involved in this game. Without wishing to make myself popular, I can say: That is what I am guided by in my current work and I am glad that this is also being lived out this way at rtfm.

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