blattert2 is “employer of the future”

I started out as a freelancer 15 years ago. Today I run our agency together with my twin sister Sabine Blattert-Hardwiger. We are proud of our now experienced team of eight people and our long-standing customers such as SmartGames and Monchhichi. We now have the renowned “Employer of the Future” seal from the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (diind) Received under the auspices of former Minister of Economic Affairs Brigitte Zypries. This mark recognizes our agency's commitment to modern and digital employer branding. And that makes us a role model in the industry.

Pioneering work in the digital sector

BlatterTPR has established itself as a pioneer in the digital sector in its niche and, in addition to traditional PR, i.e. offers social media and influencer marketing. With a clear focus on family and lifestyle, we inspire young target groups through innovative social media channels and successful influencer campaigns. This specialized focus makes us attractive not only for customers, but also for potential employees.

Successful social recruiting

We have undergone the diind's two-stage review process in order to attract young talent to our agency. Our recruiting processes have been digitized, we have a strong presence on LinkedIn and Instagram and use modern project management tools such as Trello to optimize our team workflows. This modern recruiting is essential to attract and attract the best talent of Generation Z and Millennials.

Review process criteria

The “Employer of the Future” seal is awarded exclusively to companies that successfully complete the two-stage audit process. In addition to a self-assessment via online questionnaire, we underwent an independent analysis of the digital orientation. Among other things, social listening and digital touchpoints such as feedback from employees on were reviewed. Other criteria include customer orientation, sustainability and personnel management.

Hybrid Work Models

For example, even before Covid, we introduced a mix of office and home office days as well as the 35-hour week. In addition, we regularly offer our employees internal and external (online) training on topics such as social media, influencer marketing, media training and AI in communication. This is how we keep ourselves up to date and remain competitive.


The fact that we have received the “Employer of the Future” seal proves once again that we are on the right track and are well positioned digitally. We are pleased that BlatterTPR is continuing to grow and that we are prepared for the “War of Talents.”

With our services, we put your brand in the public eye

Got a cool story but don't know how or who to tell it? Or do you have a product but no story?

Then book your personal meeting with blattert² now!