The IQ Mini Hexpert — a small game that inspires young and old
What do you do to make your godchild happy when you enter the second grade? The IQ Mini Hexpert could be the answer. High school student Madita (18) describes her surprising discovery.
What do you do to make your godchild happy when you enter the second grade? We have a suggestion: Our IQ Mini Hexpert Fits in every pocket, it comes in many bright colors and the best part: When playing, cognitive abilities are trained — by the way! O
High school student Madita (18) wrote down for us what she had experienced with the game: I had actually thought that the IQ Mini Hexpert would be the perfect gift for my godchild in second grade. The pocket-sized logic game with the brightly colored tiles seemed ideal for a bright seven-year-old.
From gift to family passion
But as is the case, the game was lying around on our kitchen table for a few days and at some point I thought: It couldn't hurt to play the IQ Mini Hexpert... rehearsal. Just in case. And what can I say — gaming fever gripped me. I'm usually not easily inspired by games, board or card games have never really been mine, to be honest. But the IQ Mini Hexpert immediately grabbed me: After all, you puzzle alone until all the tiles have found a place in the game box. But first things first:

The game principle
The game comes in a palm-sized box with a transparent lid - convenient for traveling and safe from lost tiles. The six different colored tiles (blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green) must be placed around three moving blockers on the hexagonal playing field. Similar to the classic Tetris, you have to twist and turn the tiles skillfully.
The challenge
What seems easy at first turns out to be a tricky brain teaser. Depending on the position of the blockers, the solution time varies from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour. There is always at least one solution - the joy is even greater when you have found it!
The IQ Mini Hexpert is more than a piece of cake. It trains spatial thinking, is addictive and does not get bored even after many rounds. An ideal companion for the school bag and a useful alternative to a smartphone during a break or when waiting for the bus. The purple IQ Mini Hexpert was immediately well received by my godchild. Her friends wanted to try it out right away. I quickly bought one of my own in red, and it is now an integral part of our family. In the evenings, we often sit there together, each one immersed in their own game - more peaceful than usual.
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