Ready for school — with three new IQ games from SmartGames

Frankfurt/Ratingen, 30.04.2024.
When school starts again after the summer vacation, it's time to get your brain cells moving. You can do this easily with the new SmartGames products: IQ Gears, IQ Mini Hexpert and IQ Twins for children aged 7 and up. All three logic games train cognitive skills such as concentration and problem solving.
IQ Gears — turn the wheel
The logic game IQ Gears is about correctly arranging the colorful tiles on the playing field so that the gears interlock. Small and big tinkerers can see whether they are turning when the wheels on both sides of the game move. If they don't, they have to reposition the stones until the gears connect together. The practical playing field with transparent lid fits in every school bag — or backpack on the way to summer vacation. Children aged 7 and over (and parents) are busy for a long time and train spatial and logical thinking at the same time. The task book contains 120 challenges, including solutions.
IQ Mini Hexpert — set your own challenges

The successor to the IQ Mini makes even hard-nosed puzzle fans sweat: The pocket-sized IQ Mini Hexpert offers endless challenges. First, the player removes the six tiles. He then creates his own challenges by moving the three blockers anywhere on the hexagonal playing field. The elements are distributed around them until they all have found their place — cheating doesn't apply, there is always at least one solution! This new SmartGames title for ages 7 and up promotes cognitive abilities right at the start of school — and fits in every trouser pocket.
IQ Twins — the same yet different

Fits in every school bag: The IQ Twins in the practical game box with lid is handy and promotes logical thinking. Five pairs of tiles must be placed on the playing field — the pairs are each the same color, but the shape is only similar to that of the partner. Once all 10 tiles have been placed on the playing field, the task is solved. Players aged 7 and over work on it during breaks or on long car trips and also train spatial thinking, concentration and problem solving. The task book includes 120 challenges at various levels of difficulty (including solutions).
The IQ Gears is now available for around 15 euros, the IQ Mini Hexpert for around 8 euros and the IQ Twins at an RRP of around 13 euros in well-stocked retailers and online at available.
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