My favorite product: Monchhichi

Zuhal Bulut
May 2, 2024

Who doesn't know them, the cuddly companions from Japan who have been with us since childhood? 1974 saw the first Monchhichi-Twin couple the light of day in Tokyo. His journey quickly led from Japan around the globe — all the way to my children's room...

Monchhichi — A treasure for generations

Many of us own a plush toy from childhood that has become a true family treasure and is often passed on to our own children. For me, Monchhichi is just such a treasure. I received my Monchhichi as a child from my mother and kept it carefully in my keepsake box. The iconic plush toy reminds me of many wonderful experiences it had with me as a child. Since it was there almost everywhere and is a gift from mom that means a lot to me, it is one of the best memories of my childhood.

My Monchhichi was my loyal companion on countless adventures — whether playing in the garden, on long car trips or falling asleep at night. It always gave me a feeling of security and comfort. The time spent together with my Monchhichi is firmly rooted in my heart and puts a smile on my face every time I think about it.

If you ask me whether everyone needs such a companion to reminisce later on, then my answer is very clear: Yes.

More than just a toy

You can capture photos and moments in pictures, but certain objects are priceless and unique. They carry the warmth and stories of our childhood and connect generations together. A plush toy like Monchhichi is more than just a toy — it is a piece of childhood, a loyal friend and a symbol of the love and care we have received.

It is fascinating how a small plush toy can carry so much meaning and emotion. It becomes a witness to our first steps, our first words, and our first adventures. When I look at my Monchhichi today, I don't just see an old toy, but a precious memento that reminds me of a carefree time and at the same time gives me the opportunity to share these memories with my own children.

My conclusion

It is connections and stories that make our memorabilia a true family treasure. They are proof that love and memories can stand the test of time and give us joy and security again and again. A cuddly toy combines all these aspects over generations: Thank you Monchhichi for being there!

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